Hello friends!
All is going well with seedlings both indoors and out. I'm very excited to see all of my hydroponic seeds starting to sprout. It's going to be an interesting couple of months if these things keep going the way they are!
As the weather starts getting warmer, I can see everything coming to life again. The pomegranate is regrowing the leaves it dropped. The squash seedlings that popped up in the outdoor garden are growing very quickly. They've almost caught up to the transplants (like I said, the direct sow seeds always outdo the transplants for me). The peas are finally starting to flower, so I'll leave them be. The broccoli is also starting to flower! Which would usually be a good thing, since that's the part you eat... but the heads are small and the flowers are actually opening early. I'll probably rip them out and replace them with herbs soon.
The indoor plants are also doing well. No signs of infection thus far. Crossing my fingers that I finally got rid of those nasty bugs. My amaryllis finally opened up as well. It's really neat to see 4 flowers coming out of one stalk, and each one in a different stage of development. I think I'll be getting more flower bulbs to experiment with, since these are going so well and they're soooo easy!
Random note: I finally learned some of the names of weeds I've been letting go crazy in the back yard. Among them are London rocket and sowthistle, which are both edible. It made me feel even worse when I starting removing them knowing that I was throwing fistful after fistful of food into the garbage. But the plants are old and bitter, and not really good for eating anymore.
Anyway, have a good week everyone!
Pomegranate leafs coming in |
Broccoli flowers enlarging, and getting ready to open |
Some kinda bug hanging out on the sowthistle |
Pea flower |
Mushroom! |
London rocket flowers |
Sowthistle flower |
Not sure what kind of weed this is... but it's neat! |
Amaryllis stamens before they open |
Amaryllis stamen after it opens |
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